Brookfield, Stainton with Hemlington, and Hilton Church Family (Plurality)


Updated: 9th January 2025

Safeguarding in our three Parishes.

You can find out about our Safeguarding at these links: Stainton, Hilton and Brookfield

Please click on the link required and then scroll down the webpage that appears to see the safeguarding information.

Our Parish Safeguarding Rep is Bob Ardley - contact details here.

The York Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) is Rob Marshall - contact details here.

Christians in Hilton

'Christians in Hilton' is a daytime bible study group. We meet once a fortnight on a Thursday morning in various people's homes. After coffee and biscuits (sometimes cakes or scones!) we look at and discuss a passage of the bible.

Although we are predominantly from Hilton we also have people coming across from Brookfield and Stainton. The group has been running for several years and provides good fellowship as well as lively debate!

Any newcomers would be more than welcome. For more information please ring:
Kath Jones on 01642-597909,
Sally Hamlin on 01642-590385 , or
Graham and Carolyn Bond on 01642-599016.
Page last updated: Tuesday 18th April 2017 9:28 PM
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